WBI helped AFRL/RX set up the collaboration environment that creates a secure domain for students and AFRL researchers to work in tandem on basic research data and collaborate in real-time. creates a secure domain for students and AFRL researchers to work in tandem on basic research data and collabo...
A quarter of the year has already come and gone...at least by government standards. The fiscal year begins October 1. What better way to start the "New Year" than with a refreshed quarterly report? In an effort to increase communication between the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Day...
(This blog post originally appeared at daytontechguide.com on August 28, 2017).
Image credit: Dayton Tech Guide
When Wright Brothers Institute opened its doors at 444–the new collaborative innovation hub located at 444 E Second St in downtown Dayton– it re-focused its efforts to energize world-class R...
A follow-up to The First Brick in Dayton's Innovation District, describing the progress of the Wright Brothers Institute - Air Force Research Laboratory's progress in Downtown Dayton.
Anchor Institutions with the Right Foundation for Innovation
To enjoy the greatest impact on innovation, all participa...
On September 27, 2016 the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Small Business Hub, located inside the Wright Brothers Institute held a Collider event entitled "Maker to Manufacturer: Building the Maker Community". The Collider's purpose was to bring makers and manufacturers in the southwes...